Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
08/26/23 | Kelly's (250) | vs Chikos (98) | +14.5 | 483.5 | Stats | |
07/29/23 | Kelly's (126) | vs Ballarat (142) | -9.6 | 469.0 | Stats | |
06/24/23 | Kelly's (139) | vs East Vic (211) | -20.0 | 478.6 | Stats | |
05/06/23 | Kelly's (58) | vs WestSide (Women's) (266) | -12.9 | 498.6 | Stats | |
04/01/23 | Kelly's (231) | vs SSRD: The Banshees (114) | -18.2 | 511.5 | Stats | |
03/15/20 | Kelly's (354) | vs Rolling Matildas (38) | +10.6 | 529.7 | Stats | |
09/14/19 | Kelly's (180) | vs Chikos (118) | -0.1 | 519.1 | Stats | |
08/17/19 | Kelly's (296) | vs SSRD: The Banshees (74) | +9.3 | 519.2 | Stats | |
05/18/19 | Kelly's (200) | vs East Vic (144) | -0.2 | 509.9 | Stats | |
04/14/19 | Kelly's (153) | vs Chikos (122) | +2.8 | 510.1 | Stats | |
09/01/18 | Kelly's (99) | vs WestSide (Women's) (250) | -1.8 | 507.3 | Stats | |
08/05/18 | Kelly's (206) | vs Chikos (173) | +0.3 | 509.0 | Stats | |
08/04/18 | Kelly's (435) | vs Rolling Matildas (51) | +9.1 | 508.8 | Stats | |
07/14/18 | Kelly's (59) | vs WestSide (Women's) (215) | -14.9 | 499.7 | Stats | |
04/14/18 | Kelly's (248) | vs East Vic (177) | +15.4 | 514.6 | Stats | |
03/18/18 | Kelly's (184) | vs SSRD: The Banshees (161) | +7.8 | 499.2 | Stats | |
03/17/18 | Kelly's (253) | vs Ballarat (179) | +35.9 | 491.4 | Stats | |
09/09/17 | Kelly's (461) | vs Rolling Matildas (139) | +4.2 | 455.4 | Stats | |
07/08/17 | Kelly's (236) | vs East Vic (239) | +3.2 | 451.2 | Stats | |
05/28/17 | Kelly's (84) | vs WestSide (Women's) (213) | -4.0 | 448.0 | Stats | |
04/23/17 | Kelly's (161) | vs Chikos (208) | +2.5 | 452.0 | Stats | |
03/19/17 | Kelly's (184) | vs Rolling Matildas (180) | -40.8 | 449.5 | Stats | |
03/18/17 | Kelly's (204) | vs Ballarat (173) | +28.1 | 490.3 | Stats | |
09/27/14 | Kelly's (108) | vs Diamond Valley (224) | -17.5 | 462.2 | Stats | |
07/12/14 | Kelly's (254) | vs Wagga (108) | +17.1 | 479.8 | Stats | |
05/10/14 | Kelly's (176) | vs Chikos (251) | 462.6 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
08/26/23 | Kelly's Chikos | 250 98 | 469.0 433.8 | 0.19 | 0.44 | +14.5 -14.5 | 483.5 419.3 | Stats | |
07/29/23 | Kelly's Ballarat | 126 142 | 478.6 454.1 | 0.10 | -0.06 | -9.6 +9.6 | 469.0 463.7 | Stats | |
06/24/23 | Kelly's East Vic | 139 211 | 498.6 468.5 | 0.13 | -0.21 | -20.0 +20.0 | 478.6 488.4 | Stats | |
05/06/23 | Kelly's WestSide (Women's) | 58 266 | 511.5 598.4 | -0.43 | -0.64 | -12.9 +12.9 | 498.6 611.3 | Stats | |
04/01/23 | Kelly's SSRD: The Banshees | 231 114 | 529.7 372.5 | 0.64 | 0.34 | -18.2 +18.2 | 511.5 390.7 | Stats | |
03/15/20 | Kelly's Rolling Matildas | 354 38 | 519.1 375.3 | 0.63 | 0.81 | +10.6 -10.6 | 529.7 364.7 | Stats | |
09/14/19 | Kelly's Chikos | 180 118 | 519.2 480.7 | 0.21 | 0.21 | -0.1 +0.1 | 519.1 480.8 | Stats | |
08/17/19 | Kelly's SSRD: The Banshees | 296 74 | 509.9 410.5 | 0.44 | 0.60 | +9.3 -9.3 | 519.2 401.2 | Stats | |
05/18/19 | Kelly's East Vic | 200 144 | 510.1 472.6 | 0.17 | 0.16 | -0.2 +0.2 | 509.9 472.7 | Stats | |
04/14/19 | Kelly's Chikos | 153 122 | 507.3 490.1 | 0.07 | 0.11 | +2.8 -2.8 | 510.1 487.3 | Stats | |
09/01/18 | Kelly's WestSide (Women's) | 99 250 | 509.0 598.5 | -0.40 | -0.43 | -1.8 +1.8 | 507.3 600.3 | Stats | |
08/05/18 | Kelly's Chikos | 206 173 | 508.8 488.1 | 0.08 | 0.09 | +0.3 -0.3 | 509.0 487.9 | Stats | |
08/04/18 | Kelly's Rolling Matildas | 435 51 | 499.7 352.7 | 0.64 | 0.79 | +9.1 -9.1 | 508.8 343.7 | Stats | |
07/14/18 | Kelly's WestSide (Women's) | 59 215 | 514.6 576.8 | -0.32 | -0.57 | -14.9 +14.9 | 499.7 591.7 | Stats | |
04/14/18 | Kelly's East Vic | 248 177 | 499.2 513.4 | -0.09 | 0.17 | +15.4 -15.4 | 514.6 498.0 | Stats | |
03/18/18 | Kelly's SSRD: The Banshees | 184 161 | 491.4 500.3 | -0.07 | 0.07 | +7.8 -7.8 | 499.2 492.5 | Stats | |
03/17/18 | Kelly's Ballarat | 253 179 | 455.4 543.8 | -0.43 | 0.17 | +35.9 -35.9 | 491.4 507.8 | Stats | |
09/09/17 | Kelly's Rolling Matildas | 461 139 | 451.2 354.4 | 0.47 | 0.54 | +4.2 -4.2 | 455.4 350.2 | Stats | |
07/08/17 | Kelly's East Vic | 236 239 | 448.0 456.0 | -0.06 | -0.01 | +3.2 -3.2 | 451.2 452.8 | Stats | |
05/28/17 | Kelly's WestSide (Women's) | 84 213 | 452.0 525.0 | -0.37 | -0.43 | -4.0 +4.0 | 448.0 529.0 | Stats | |
04/23/17 | Kelly's Chikos | 161 208 | 449.5 479.5 | -0.17 | -0.13 | +2.5 -2.5 | 452.0 477.0 | Stats | |
03/19/17 | Kelly's Rolling Matildas | 184 180 | 490.3 322.7 | 0.70 | 0.01 | -40.8 +40.8 | 449.5 363.5 | Stats | |
03/18/17 | Kelly's Ballarat | 204 173 | 462.2 540.2 | -0.39 | 0.08 | +28.1 -28.1 | 490.3 512.1 | Stats | |
09/27/14 | Kelly's Diamond Valley | 108 224 | 479.8 473.5 | -0.01 | -0.35 | -17.5 +17.5 | 462.2 491.1 | Stats | |
07/12/14 | Kelly's Wagga | 254 108 | 462.6 438.5 | 0.08 | 0.40 | +17.1 -17.1 | 479.8 421.4 | Stats | |
05/10/14 | Kelly's Chikos | 176 251 | [unranked] 475.6 | -0.18 | | 462.6 475.6 | Stats |