Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
08/24/24 | BCR: Rahmones (381) | vs Northern Beaches (125) | +8.0 | 348.9 | Stats | |
08/24/24 | BCR: Rahmones (183) | vs SUN: Zombees (124) | +18.3 | 340.9 | Stats | |
09/17/23 | BCR: Rahmones (174) | vs Pivot City (186) | +6.7 | 322.6 | Stats | |
09/16/23 | BCR: Rahmones (215) | vs SSRD: The Banshees (138) | +2.1 | 315.9 | Stats | |
07/09/23 | BCR: Rahmones (174) | vs Coffs Coast (137) | -19.2 | 313.8 | Stats | |
07/08/23 | BCR: Rahmones (189) | vs Northern Rivers (116) | +35.6 | 333.0 | Stats | |
05/27/23 | BCR: Rahmones (173) | vs Coffs Coast (85) | +8.0 | 297.4 | Stats | |
10/26/19 | BCR: Rahmones (70) | vs Gladstone (135) | +18.3 | 289.3 | Stats | |
05/05/19 | BCR: Rahmones (20) | vs SRDL: Velociraptors B (117) | -11.2 | 271.1 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones (44) | vs Rocky Roller (180) | -40.2 | 282.3 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones (150) | vs Mackay City (85) | +63.3 | 322.5 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones (36) | vs NBR: Team Griffin (128) | -29.6 | 259.1 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones (54) | vs Gladstone (188) | -5.7 | 288.7 | Stats | |
08/12/17 | BCR: Rahmones (199) | vs East Coast (201) | +14.2 | 294.4 | Stats | |
06/24/17 | BCR: Rahmones (148) | vs Rocky Roller (191) | 280.2 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
08/24/24 | BCR: Rahmones Northern Beaches | 381 125 | 340.9 271.9 | 0.37 | 0.51 | +8.0 -8.0 | 348.9 263.9 | Stats | |
08/24/24 | BCR: Rahmones SUN: Zombees | 183 124 | 322.6 354.6 | -0.11 | 0.19 | +18.3 -18.3 | 340.9 336.3 | Stats | |
09/17/23 | BCR: Rahmones Pivot City | 174 186 | 315.9 341.2 | -0.15 | -0.03 | +6.7 -6.7 | 322.6 334.5 | Stats | |
09/16/23 | BCR: Rahmones SSRD: The Banshees | 215 138 | 313.8 272.8 | 0.18 | 0.22 | +2.1 -2.1 | 315.9 270.7 | Stats | |
07/09/23 | BCR: Rahmones Coffs Coast | 174 137 | 333.0 247.3 | 0.44 | 0.12 | -19.2 +19.2 | 313.8 266.5 | Stats | |
07/08/23 | BCR: Rahmones Northern Rivers | 189 116 | 297.4 381.5 | -0.36 | 0.24 | +35.6 -35.6 | 333.0 345.8 | Stats | |
05/27/23 | BCR: Rahmones Coffs Coast | 173 85 | 289.3 238.5 | 0.21 | 0.34 | +8.0 -8.0 | 297.4 230.5 | Stats | |
10/26/19 | BCR: Rahmones Gladstone | 70 135 | 271.1 408.2 | -0.62 | -0.32 | +18.3 -18.3 | 289.3 389.9 | Stats | |
05/05/19 | BCR: Rahmones SRDL: Velociraptors B | 20 117 | 282.3 406.5 | -0.52 | -0.71 | -11.2 +11.2 | 271.1 417.7 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones Rocky Roller | 44 180 | 322.5 300.1 | 0.07 | -0.61 | -40.2 +40.2 | 282.3 340.3 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones Mackay City | 150 85 | 259.1 462.4 | -0.79 | 0.28 | +63.3 -63.3 | 322.5 399.1 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones NBR: Team Griffin | 36 128 | 288.7 310.6 | -0.06 | -0.56 | -29.6 +29.6 | 259.1 340.2 | Stats | |
10/20/18 | BCR: Rahmones Gladstone | 54 188 | 294.4 402.5 | -0.46 | -0.55 | -5.7 +5.7 | 288.7 408.2 | Stats | |
08/12/17 | BCR: Rahmones East Coast | 199 201 | 280.2 320.9 | -0.24 | -0.01 | +14.2 -14.2 | 294.4 306.7 | Stats | |
06/24/17 | BCR: Rahmones Rocky Roller | 148 191 | [unranked] 288.2 | -0.13 | | 280.2 288.2 | Stats |