Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
12/14/24 | Blackland (160) | vs Bergamo (111) | +12.8 | 515.5 | Stats | |
10/05/24 | Blackland (83) | vs Brussels (190) | -21.5 | 502.7 | Stats | |
04/27/24 | Blackland (198) | vs Vannes (73) | +3.6 | 524.2 | Stats | |
04/27/24 | Blackland (240) | vs NRD: Les Parpaings (93) | -9.4 | 520.6 | Stats | |
02/18/24 | Blackland (233) | vs Amiens (60) | +29.4 | 529.9 | Stats | |
01/28/24 | Blackland (207) | vs ARD: Pack of Destruction (111) | +35.7 | 500.5 | Stats | |
11/18/23 | Blackland (264) | vs Arras (49) | +22.2 | 464.9 | Stats | |
10/28/23 | Blackland (167) | vs Tours (143) | +23.6 | 442.7 | Stats | |
06/03/23 | Blackland (48) | vs Les Flèches Revêches (248) | -24.1 | 419.1 | Stats | |
03/11/23 | Blackland (271) | vs Gueules Noires (89) | -12.3 | 443.2 | Stats | |
04/30/22 | Blackland (355) | vs Wheel Spirit (96) | +2.3 | 455.5 | Stats | |
04/30/22 | Blackland (124) | vs Lorient (85) | -9.9 | 453.2 | Stats | |
04/03/22 | Blackland (180) | vs Liège (W) (135) | +12.3 | 463.1 | Stats | |
03/12/22 | Blackland (225) | vs NRD: Les Parpaings (82) | +44.4 | 450.8 | Stats | |
01/11/20 | Blackland (124) | vs Tournai (107) | +9.8 | 406.4 | Stats | |
06/29/19 | Blackland (143) | vs Hard Breakers Prague (101) | +7.8 | 396.6 | Stats | |
06/23/19 | Blackland (143) | vs Les Flèches Revêches (105) | +8.4 | 388.8 | Stats | |
06/23/19 | Blackland (60) | vs Reaper's Crew (202) | -14.3 | 380.4 | Stats | |
04/13/19 | Blackland (123) | vs RCR: High Voltage (164) | +14.3 | 394.8 | Stats | |
04/06/19 | Blackland (167) | vs Roller Derby Chalon (94) | +16.6 | 380.5 | Stats | |
12/15/18 | Blackland (74) | vs BRD: La Flotte (149) | +8.9 | 363.9 | Stats | |
11/25/18 | Blackland (86) | vs NRD: Les Parpaings (344) | -19.6 | 355.0 | Stats | |
06/30/18 | Blackland (68) | vs The Parliament of Pain (373) | -18.0 | 374.7 | Stats | |
05/26/18 | Blackland (125) | vs ARD: Les Goules à Facettes (71) | -28.3 | 392.7 | Stats | |
05/13/18 | Blackland (247) | vs RDL: Les Smashing Machettes (153) | -23.4 | 420.9 | Stats | |
05/12/18 | Blackland (275) | vs DCD: ThunderDoms (92) | +17.9 | 444.3 | Stats | |
04/28/18 | Blackland (147) | vs Reaper's Crew (176) | -21.9 | 426.5 | Stats | |
12/17/17 | Blackland (244) | vs Arras (83) | +43.0 | 448.3 | Stats | |
11/25/17 | Blackland (164) | vs RDL(W): Holy Wheels Bad Ass (110) | 405.3 | Stats | ||
11/11/17 | Blackland (125) | vs Arnhem (231) | +7.0 | 405.3 | Stats | |
03/25/17 | Blackland (323) | vs Luxembourg (65) | +15.7 | 398.3 | Stats | |
02/25/17 | Blackland (171) | vs GDP: Les Buttées de Montmartre (124) | +8.3 | 382.7 | Stats | |
10/29/16 | Blackland (51) | vs NRD: Les Parpaings (314) | -29.8 | 374.3 | Stats | |
09/03/16 | Blackland (140) | vs Arnhem (356) | -64.1 | 404.2 | Stats | |
04/24/16 | Blackland (185) | vs Luxembourg (164) | -18.9 | 468.3 | Stats | |
10/25/15 | Blackland (230) | vs Luxembourg (259) | 487.2 | Stats | ||
07/27/14 | Blackland (174) | vs Dom City (176) | -7.8 | 487.2 | Stats | |
04/12/14 | Blackland (82) | vs CCR: Crime City B Team (220) | -1.9 | 495.0 | Stats | |
03/29/14 | Blackland (113) | vs Brussels (162) | -4.8 | 496.9 | Stats | |
03/09/14 | Blackland (128) | vs DRD: The Be Grands (108) | +10.6 | 501.8 | Stats | |
03/08/14 | Blackland (126) | vs Belfast (190) | -11.0 | 491.1 | Stats | |
01/05/14 | Blackland (142) | vs Montpellier (160) | -9.2 | 502.1 | Stats | |
12/21/13 | Blackland (121) | vs Metz (183) | -4.6 | 511.3 | Stats | |
11/10/13 | Blackland (210) | vs Amsterdam (207) | -0.9 | 515.9 | Stats | |
11/09/13 | Blackland (120) | vs Antwerp (195) | +7.5 | 516.8 | Stats | |
11/09/13 | Blackland (125) | vs Rockcity (97) | +19.5 | 509.2 | Stats | |
10/02/13 | Blackland (226) | vs Mons (136) | -7.2 | 489.8 | Stats | |
09/21/13 | Blackland (135) | vs GGGRD: Mad Megs (233) | -27.7 | 497.0 | Stats | |
05/04/13 | Blackland (270) | vs Porto (102) | +11.2 | 524.6 | Stats | |
03/23/13 | Blackland (211) | vs Limerick (144) | -1.4 | 513.5 | Stats | |
03/02/13 | Blackland (317) | vs Switchblade (128) | +6.2 | 514.8 | Stats | |
12/16/12 | Blackland (161) | vs Brussels (218) | -6.9 | 508.6 | Stats | |
11/25/12 | Blackland (158) | vs Vienna (279) | -6.9 | 515.5 | Stats | |
11/11/12 | Blackland (182) | vs Namur (143) | -12.8 | 522.4 | Stats | |
11/10/12 | Blackland (115) | vs Rotterdam (142) | -16.7 | 535.2 | Stats | |
11/10/12 | Blackland (24) | vs GO-GO Gent (315) | 551.8 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
12/14/24 | Blackland Bergamo | 160 111 | 502.7 500.5 | -0.03 | 0.18 | +12.8 -12.8 | 515.5 487.7 | Stats | |
10/05/24 | Blackland Brussels | 83 190 | 524.2 539.5 | -0.03 | -0.39 | -21.5 +21.5 | 502.7 561.0 | Stats | |
04/27/24 | Blackland Vannes | 198 73 | 520.6 444.8 | 0.40 | 0.46 | +3.6 -3.6 | 524.2 441.2 | Stats | |
04/27/24 | Blackland NRD: Les Parpaings | 240 93 | 529.9 400.8 | 0.60 | 0.44 | -9.4 +9.4 | 520.6 410.2 | Stats | |
02/18/24 | Blackland Amiens | 233 60 | 500.5 472.1 | 0.10 | 0.59 | +29.4 -29.4 | 529.9 442.6 | Stats | |
01/28/24 | Blackland ARD: Pack of Destruction | 207 111 | 464.9 517.0 | -0.30 | 0.30 | +35.7 -35.7 | 500.5 481.3 | Stats | |
11/18/23 | Blackland Arras | 264 49 | 442.7 386.5 | 0.31 | 0.69 | +22.2 -22.2 | 464.9 364.3 | Stats | |
10/28/23 | Blackland Tours | 167 143 | 419.1 494.2 | -0.32 | 0.08 | +23.6 -23.6 | 442.7 470.6 | Stats | |
06/03/23 | Blackland Les Flèches Revêches | 48 248 | 443.2 507.7 | -0.27 | -0.68 | -24.1 +24.1 | 419.1 531.9 | Stats | |
03/11/23 | Blackland Gueules Noires | 271 89 | 455.5 268.4 | 0.71 | 0.51 | -12.3 +12.3 | 443.2 280.7 | Stats | |
04/30/22 | Blackland Wheel Spirit | 355 96 | 453.2 342.6 | 0.54 | 0.57 | +2.3 -2.3 | 455.5 340.3 | Stats | |
04/30/22 | Blackland Lorient | 124 85 | 463.1 398.3 | 0.35 | 0.19 | -9.9 +9.9 | 453.2 408.2 | Stats | |
04/03/22 | Blackland Liège (W) | 180 135 | 450.8 454.5 | -0.06 | 0.14 | +12.3 -12.3 | 463.1 442.2 | Stats | |
03/12/22 | Blackland NRD: Les Parpaings | 225 82 | 406.4 454.8 | -0.28 | 0.47 | +44.4 -44.4 | 450.8 410.4 | Stats | |
01/11/20 | Blackland Tournai | 124 107 | 396.6 424.0 | -0.09 | 0.07 | +9.8 -9.8 | 406.4 414.1 | Stats | |
06/29/19 | Blackland Hard Breakers Prague | 143 101 | 388.8 371.5 | 0.04 | 0.17 | +7.8 -7.8 | 396.6 363.7 | Stats | |
06/23/19 | Blackland Les Flèches Revêches | 143 105 | 380.4 387.0 | 0.01 | 0.15 | +8.4 -8.4 | 388.8 378.6 | Stats | |
06/23/19 | Blackland Reaper's Crew | 60 202 | 394.8 448.0 | -0.30 | -0.54 | -14.3 +14.3 | 380.4 462.3 | Stats | |
04/13/19 | Blackland RCR: High Voltage | 123 164 | 380.5 452.2 | -0.38 | -0.14 | +14.3 -14.3 | 394.8 437.9 | Stats | |
04/06/19 | Blackland Roller Derby Chalon | 167 94 | 363.9 372.5 | 0.00 | 0.28 | +16.6 -16.6 | 380.5 356.0 | Stats | |
12/15/18 | Blackland BRD: La Flotte | 74 149 | 355.0 465.0 | -0.48 | -0.34 | +8.9 -8.9 | 363.9 456.1 | Stats | |
11/25/18 | Blackland NRD: Les Parpaings | 86 344 | 374.7 426.2 | -0.27 | -0.60 | -19.6 +19.6 | 355.0 445.8 | Stats | |
06/30/18 | Blackland The Parliament of Pain | 68 373 | 392.7 465.9 | -0.39 | -0.69 | -18.0 +18.0 | 374.7 483.9 | Stats | |
05/26/18 | Blackland ARD: Les Goules à Facettes | 125 71 | 420.9 235.4 | 0.75 | 0.28 | -28.3 +28.3 | 392.7 263.7 | Stats | |
05/13/18 | Blackland RDL: Les Smashing Machettes | 247 153 | 444.3 287.7 | 0.63 | 0.24 | -23.4 +23.4 | 420.9 311.1 | Stats | |
05/12/18 | Blackland DCD: ThunderDoms | 275 92 | 426.5 377.2 | 0.20 | 0.50 | +17.9 -17.9 | 444.3 359.3 | Stats | |
04/28/18 | Blackland Reaper's Crew | 147 176 | 448.3 382.4 | 0.28 | -0.09 | -21.9 +21.9 | 426.5 404.3 | Stats | |
12/17/17 | Blackland Arras | 244 83 | 405.3 443.0 | -0.23 | 0.49 | +43.0 -43.0 | 448.3 400.0 | Stats | |
11/25/17 | Blackland RDL(W): Holy Wheels Bad Ass | 164 110 | 405.3 [unranked] | 0.20 | | 405.3 381.3 | Stats | ||
11/11/17 | Blackland Arnhem | 125 231 | 398.3 477.7 | -0.42 | -0.30 | +7.0 -7.0 | 405.3 470.7 | Stats | |
03/25/17 | Blackland Luxembourg | 323 65 | 382.7 306.4 | 0.40 | 0.66 | +15.7 -15.7 | 398.3 290.8 | Stats | |
02/25/17 | Blackland GDP: Les Buttées de Montmartre | 171 124 | 374.3 379.4 | 0.02 | 0.16 | +8.3 -8.3 | 382.7 371.1 | Stats | |
10/29/16 | Blackland NRD: Les Parpaings | 51 314 | 404.2 439.9 | -0.22 | -0.72 | -29.8 +29.8 | 374.3 469.7 | Stats | |
09/03/16 | Blackland Arnhem | 140 356 | 468.3 325.5 | 0.64 | -0.44 | -64.1 +64.1 | 404.2 389.6 | Stats | |
04/24/16 | Blackland Luxembourg | 185 164 | 487.2 416.7 | 0.38 | 0.06 | -18.9 +18.9 | 468.3 435.6 | Stats | |
10/25/15 | Blackland Luxembourg | 230 259 | 487.2 [unranked] | -0.06 | | 487.2 488.6 | Stats | ||
07/27/14 | Blackland Dom City | 174 176 | 495.0 457.3 | 0.14 | -0.01 | -7.8 +7.8 | 487.2 465.0 | Stats | |
04/12/14 | Blackland CCR: Crime City B Team | 82 220 | 496.9 577.4 | -0.42 | -0.46 | -1.9 +1.9 | 495.0 579.4 | Stats | |
03/29/14 | Blackland Brussels | 113 162 | 501.8 528.0 | -0.09 | -0.18 | -4.8 +4.8 | 496.9 532.8 | Stats | |
03/09/14 | Blackland DRD: The Be Grands | 128 108 | 491.1 506.0 | -0.12 | 0.08 | +10.6 -10.6 | 501.8 495.3 | Stats | |
03/08/14 | Blackland Belfast | 126 190 | 502.1 491.6 | 0.01 | -0.20 | -11.0 +11.0 | 491.1 502.6 | Stats | |
01/05/14 | Blackland Montpellier | 142 160 | 511.3 478.9 | 0.12 | -0.06 | -9.2 +9.2 | 502.1 488.1 | Stats | |
12/21/13 | Blackland Metz | 121 183 | 515.9 548.2 | -0.12 | -0.20 | -4.6 +4.6 | 511.3 552.8 | Stats | |
11/10/13 | Blackland Amsterdam | 210 207 | 516.8 507.9 | 0.02 | 0.01 | -0.9 +0.9 | 515.9 508.8 | Stats | |
11/09/13 | Blackland Antwerp | 120 195 | 509.2 585.6 | -0.38 | -0.24 | +7.5 -7.5 | 516.8 578.1 | Stats | |
11/09/13 | Blackland Rockcity | 125 97 | 489.8 536.0 | -0.25 | 0.13 | +19.5 -19.5 | 509.2 516.5 | Stats | |
10/02/13 | Blackland Mons | 226 136 | 497.0 424.4 | 0.39 | 0.25 | -7.2 +7.2 | 489.8 431.7 | Stats | |
09/21/13 | Blackland GGGRD: Mad Megs | 135 233 | 524.6 479.8 | 0.26 | -0.27 | -27.7 +27.7 | 497.0 507.5 | Stats | |
05/04/13 | Blackland Porto | 270 102 | 513.5 456.0 | 0.24 | 0.45 | +11.2 -11.2 | 524.6 444.8 | Stats | |
03/23/13 | Blackland Limerick | 211 144 | 514.8 480.2 | 0.21 | 0.19 | -1.4 +1.4 | 513.5 481.6 | Stats | |
03/02/13 | Blackland Switchblade | 317 128 | 508.6 436.3 | 0.31 | 0.42 | +6.2 -6.2 | 514.8 430.1 | Stats | |
12/16/12 | Blackland Brussels | 161 218 | 515.5 500.5 | 0.01 | -0.15 | -6.9 +6.9 | 508.6 507.4 | Stats | |
11/25/12 | Blackland Vienna | 158 279 | 522.4 560.7 | -0.12 | -0.28 | -6.9 +6.9 | 515.5 567.6 | Stats | |
11/11/12 | Blackland Namur | 182 143 | 535.2 451.6 | 0.41 | 0.12 | -12.8 +12.8 | 522.4 464.4 | Stats | |
11/10/12 | Blackland Rotterdam | 115 142 | 551.8 493.2 | 0.27 | -0.11 | -16.7 +16.7 | 535.2 509.8 | Stats | |
11/10/12 | Blackland GO-GO Gent | 24 315 | [unranked] 630.7 | -0.86 | | 551.8 630.7 | Stats |