Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
11/24/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (117) | vs CGRD: B Team (168) | +10.2 | 364.9 | Stats | |
11/23/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (63) | vs BRD: Baja B Team (160) | -29.7 | 354.7 | Stats | |
09/28/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (72) | vs High Altitude (156) | -17.4 | 384.3 | Stats | |
09/28/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (173) | vs Peninsula (146) | -2.4 | 401.8 | Stats | |
09/27/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (136) | vs NAZRD: Whiskey Row-llers (180) | +3.4 | 404.2 | Stats | |
08/24/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (71) | vs Inland Empire (249) | -43.1 | 400.8 | Stats | |
06/08/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (131) | vs Sin City (127) | -0.9 | 443.9 | Stats | |
06/08/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (141) | vs ACD: Shore Shots (140) | -3.2 | 444.8 | Stats | |
05/04/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (230) | vs VTRD: Darlings (71) | +32.8 | 448.0 | Stats | |
04/06/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (141) | vs Sin City (112) | +15.5 | 415.2 | Stats | |
11/04/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (129) | vs Central Coast (CA) (100) | +30.7 | 399.7 | Stats | |
10/14/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (119) | vs Bellingham (209) | +16.1 | 369.0 | Stats | |
06/24/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (85) | vs Los Alamos (220) | -11.4 | 352.9 | Stats | |
06/23/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (89) | vs Elevated (246) | -14.8 | 364.3 | Stats | |
06/23/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (99) | vs Wine Town (129) | -14.0 | 379.1 | Stats | |
04/29/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (153) | vs SCRD: Bad Beats (95) | +13.4 | 393.1 | Stats | |
03/25/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (62) | vs Casa Grande (379) | -22.2 | 379.7 | Stats | |
03/04/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (108) | vs West Coast Knockouts (216) | -24.7 | 401.9 | Stats | |
03/24/19 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (191) | vs BCRD: Sea Vixens (77) | +35.9 | 426.6 | Stats | |
03/04/18 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (121) | vs West Coast Knockouts (298) | -22.4 | 390.7 | Stats | |
06/24/17 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (193) | vs Beach Cities (114) | +34.3 | 413.1 | Stats | |
04/29/17 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (196) | vs West Coast Knockouts (181) | +19.1 | 378.8 | Stats | |
02/19/17 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (82) | vs Unforgiven (368) | -34.7 | 359.7 | Stats | |
09/24/16 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (189) | vs Wine Town (132) | +31.6 | 394.4 | Stats | |
09/17/16 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (189) | vs Hidden City (114) | +33.9 | 362.8 | Stats | |
05/21/16 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish (151) | vs North County (138) | 329.0 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
11/24/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish CGRD: B Team | 117 168 | 354.7 418.8 | -0.35 | -0.18 | +10.2 -10.2 | 364.9 408.6 | Stats | |
11/23/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish BRD: Baja B Team | 63 160 | 384.3 380.8 | 0.06 | -0.43 | -29.7 +29.7 | 354.7 410.5 | Stats | |
09/28/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish High Altitude | 72 156 | 401.8 408.0 | -0.08 | -0.37 | -17.4 +17.4 | 384.3 425.4 | Stats | |
09/28/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Peninsula | 173 146 | 404.2 370.0 | 0.12 | 0.08 | -2.4 +2.4 | 401.8 372.4 | Stats | |
09/27/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish NAZRD: Whiskey Row-llers | 136 180 | 400.8 431.4 | -0.20 | -0.14 | +3.4 -3.4 | 404.2 428.1 | Stats | |
08/24/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Inland Empire | 71 249 | 443.9 401.2 | 0.17 | -0.56 | -43.1 +43.1 | 400.8 444.3 | Stats | |
06/08/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Sin City | 131 127 | 444.8 429.6 | 0.03 | 0.02 | -0.9 +0.9 | 443.9 430.5 | Stats | |
06/08/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish ACD: Shore Shots | 141 140 | 448.0 445.6 | 0.06 | 0.00 | -3.2 +3.2 | 444.8 448.8 | Stats | |
05/04/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish VTRD: Darlings | 230 71 | 415.2 428.6 | -0.02 | 0.53 | +32.8 -32.8 | 448.0 395.8 | Stats | |
04/06/24 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Sin City | 141 112 | 399.7 438.1 | -0.15 | 0.11 | +15.5 -15.5 | 415.2 422.6 | Stats | |
11/04/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Central Coast (CA) | 129 100 | 369.0 442.1 | -0.39 | 0.13 | +30.7 -30.7 | 399.7 411.4 | Stats | |
10/14/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Bellingham | 119 209 | 352.9 483.9 | -0.54 | -0.27 | +16.1 -16.1 | 369.0 467.8 | Stats | |
06/24/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Los Alamos | 85 220 | 364.3 411.7 | -0.25 | -0.44 | -11.4 +11.4 | 352.9 423.1 | Stats | |
06/23/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Elevated | 89 246 | 379.1 427.9 | -0.22 | -0.47 | -14.8 +14.8 | 364.3 442.7 | Stats | |
06/23/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Wine Town | 99 129 | 393.1 376.5 | 0.10 | -0.13 | -14.0 +14.0 | 379.1 390.5 | Stats | |
04/29/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish SCRD: Bad Beats | 153 95 | 379.7 386.8 | 0.01 | 0.23 | +13.4 -13.4 | 393.1 373.5 | Stats | |
03/25/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Casa Grande | 62 379 | 401.9 465.3 | -0.35 | -0.72 | -22.2 +22.2 | 379.7 487.4 | Stats | |
03/04/23 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish West Coast Knockouts | 108 216 | 426.6 419.3 | 0.08 | -0.33 | -24.7 +24.7 | 401.9 444.0 | Stats | |
03/24/19 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish BCRD: Sea Vixens | 191 77 | 390.7 417.5 | -0.18 | 0.43 | +35.9 -35.9 | 426.6 381.6 | Stats | |
03/04/18 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish West Coast Knockouts | 121 298 | 413.1 431.4 | -0.05 | -0.42 | -22.4 +22.4 | 390.7 453.9 | Stats | |
06/24/17 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Beach Cities | 193 114 | 378.8 453.8 | -0.32 | 0.26 | +34.3 -34.3 | 413.1 419.5 | Stats | |
04/29/17 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish West Coast Knockouts | 196 181 | 359.7 426.3 | -0.28 | 0.04 | +19.1 -19.1 | 378.8 407.2 | Stats | |
02/19/17 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Unforgiven | 82 368 | 394.4 414.1 | -0.05 | -0.64 | -34.7 +34.7 | 359.7 448.8 | Stats | |
09/24/16 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Wine Town | 189 132 | 362.8 427.5 | -0.35 | 0.18 | +31.6 -31.6 | 394.4 395.9 | Stats | |
09/17/16 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish Hidden City | 189 114 | 329.0 386.4 | -0.32 | 0.25 | +33.9 -33.9 | 362.8 352.6 | Stats | |
05/21/16 | SoCal: The Cuttlefish North County | 151 138 | [unranked] 329.0 | 0.04 | | 329.0 329.0 | Stats |