Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
04/07/12 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (90) | vs Treasure Valley (109) | -2.2 | 472.8 | Stats | |
01/14/12 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (93) | vs Terminal City (138) | -15.8 | 475.0 | Stats | |
06/18/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (354) | vs Rainy City (WA) (42) | +18.1 | 490.8 | Stats | |
05/14/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (234) | vs Sick Town (105) | +8.9 | 472.8 | Stats | |
03/19/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (140) | vs ECRD: Andromedolls (89) | +11.2 | 463.9 | Stats | |
02/19/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (194) | vs Terminal City (88) | +23.4 | 452.7 | Stats | |
01/15/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (148) | vs JCRD: Camaro Harem (90) | +17.3 | 429.3 | Stats | |
06/19/10 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (25) | vs ECRD: Flat Track Furies (179) | -35.5 | 412.0 | Stats | |
04/03/10 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (142) | vs JCRD: Pink Pistols (244) | +2.9 | 447.5 | Stats | |
05/30/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (134) | vs Rainy City (WA) (139) | -10.9 | 444.6 | Stats | |
04/11/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (168) | vs ECRD: Flat Track Furies (166) | +7.4 | 455.5 | Stats | |
03/07/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (126) | vs DyDD: Trampires (117) | -14.1 | 448.0 | Stats | |
02/15/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (133) | vs OLY: Dropkick Donnas (171) | -6.3 | 462.1 | Stats | |
01/24/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (131) | vs Bellingham (93) | +4.9 | 468.4 | Stats | |
12/05/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (151) | vs RCRD: Rain of Terror (178) | +21.6 | 463.5 | Stats | |
06/29/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (51) | vs RCRD: Throttle Rockets (156) | -9.5 | 442.0 | Stats | |
04/11/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (115) | vs SCRV: Death Rattle Rollers (116) | -9.3 | 451.5 | Stats | |
03/01/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx (99) | vs Dockyard (128) | 460.8 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
04/07/12 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Treasure Valley | 90 109 | 475.0 498.1 | -0.05 | -0.10 | -2.2 +2.2 | 472.8 500.3 | Stats | |
01/14/12 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Terminal City | 93 138 | 490.8 472.1 | 0.16 | -0.19 | -15.8 +15.8 | 475.0 487.9 | Stats | |
06/18/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Rainy City (WA) | 354 42 | 472.8 406.7 | 0.38 | 0.79 | +18.1 -18.1 | 490.8 388.6 | Stats | |
05/14/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Sick Town | 234 105 | 463.9 441.6 | 0.18 | 0.38 | +8.9 -8.9 | 472.8 432.7 | Stats | |
03/19/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx ECRD: Andromedolls | 140 89 | 452.7 472.8 | -0.03 | 0.22 | +11.2 -11.2 | 463.9 461.6 | Stats | |
02/19/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Terminal City | 194 88 | 429.3 473.8 | -0.15 | 0.38 | +23.4 -23.4 | 452.7 450.5 | Stats | |
01/15/11 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx JCRD: Camaro Harem | 148 90 | 412.0 455.6 | -0.15 | 0.24 | +17.3 -17.3 | 429.3 438.3 | Stats | |
06/19/10 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx ECRD: Flat Track Furies | 25 179 | 447.5 465.3 | -0.02 | -0.75 | -35.5 +35.5 | 412.0 500.8 | Stats | |
04/03/10 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx JCRD: Pink Pistols | 142 244 | 444.6 497.8 | -0.32 | -0.26 | +2.9 -2.9 | 447.5 495.0 | Stats | |
05/30/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Rainy City (WA) | 134 139 | 455.5 427.5 | 0.21 | -0.02 | -10.9 +10.9 | 444.6 438.4 | Stats | |
04/11/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx ECRD: Flat Track Furies | 168 166 | 448.0 463.9 | -0.15 | 0.01 | +7.4 -7.4 | 455.5 456.4 | Stats | |
03/07/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx DyDD: Trampires | 126 117 | 462.1 407.9 | 0.33 | 0.04 | -14.1 +14.1 | 448.0 422.0 | Stats | |
02/15/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx OLY: Dropkick Donnas | 133 171 | 468.4 453.4 | 0.01 | -0.13 | -6.3 +6.3 | 462.1 459.7 | Stats | |
01/24/09 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Bellingham | 131 93 | 463.5 463.7 | 0.07 | 0.17 | +4.9 -4.9 | 468.4 458.9 | Stats | |
12/05/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx RCRD: Rain of Terror | 151 178 | 442.0 573.5 | -0.53 | -0.08 | +21.6 -21.6 | 463.5 552.0 | Stats | |
06/29/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx RCRD: Throttle Rockets | 51 156 | 451.5 529.8 | -0.31 | -0.51 | -9.5 +9.5 | 442.0 539.3 | Stats | |
04/11/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx SCRV: Death Rattle Rollers | 115 116 | 460.8 436.6 | 0.19 | -0.00 | -9.3 +9.3 | 451.5 445.9 | Stats | |
03/01/08 | SCRV: Terrormedixxx Dockyard | 99 128 | [unranked] 478.6 | -0.13 | | 460.8 478.6 | Stats |